Profil für Windmelodie
WindmelodieAllgemeine Informationen
Beschreibung Status: Werewolf Time Source: Underworld: Evolution (2006) -The Lost Ones The Forgotten Ones The Forsaken Ones The Broken Ones Dont Worry, down here - were all that. Were all a bit insane. Were at the Bottom of the Bottom. It cant get lower anymore. Were already at the deepest Level. Just relax. Let us in.- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything will be fine at the End. Right ? Well make it. We must. After all, there needs to be a Happy End..right ? Im Affraid that it wont. Theres no Happy End for the Likes of Us. There never was. Then..could You at least stay with me. Until the End ? I don’t wanna walk this path alone. At the End everyone walks the last Path alone. But what I can give to you is that I will stay at your side for as long as it’s possible. That’s all I could ever ask of You. - written under Brokenkites - Wood Between the Worlds Selbsternannte Achievments: - Implementierte Postzahl in Alter Egos - Schriftfarbe und ihre Bedeutung bei Charas in Alter Egos - wie die Colourierung der Steckbriefe - pretty much seitdem es Farben im diesen Forum gibt - liebt es Augenfarben durch Lichtänderung als Erklärung bei verschiedenen Stimmungen ihrer Charas anders erscheinen zulassen - und gibt ihnen gerne eigene Eigenheiten und Titel wie bei Arren und Victor - Gesamte Charazahl: 26 | 15 sind aktiv. > Darrunter Drachen, Lindwürmer, Wyvern, Wölfe, Hunde, Saurier (Squint real hard), Werwölfe, Engel Charas in Stasis, sie überwintern nur bis sich erneut eine Gelegenheit für sie ergibt: 🃏 Arren Dawn in Five ->76 Posts Der Verrückte, -der Quatschkopf- -I laugh the Pain away. The Sadness. The Grief. I got so good at it, masquerading as this naive optimistic unassuming Guy that even I believed the Lie, I showed everyone. Arc: Finally discovering that his own brother, he griefed over is not dead as he thought but one of these Calamitys. Which finally changes his mind that the Five are just a manifestation of Nature, thats punishing them. With this realization he also has to tell his darkest secret to his group and his best friend. That he supported his brother in his worst crimes, too scared to loose him but also too morally conflicted to let their targets suffer. But he still supported him. And now he would esperately try to regain his lost Brother. Hoping that he can reach him that he is still there somewhere. He just needs to. He cant let him down twice ! He needs to save him. Even if he dies in the process. It doesnt matter. He will die anyway. And understand that his inner Torment will only grow stronger and stronger if he persists to bury it under a layThat People er of ice, in fear of drowning in it. As they drag him down. 🧗🏻 Ivalide Server in A World Beyond -> 99 Posts Der Außersinnliche, I, Telekinese -“We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.” -André Berthiaume- This mask has become a part of me. Shielding me from debillitating emotions, that would otherwise crush me. I can better observe and remain impartial, so that I wont jugde anyone unfairly while I remain in the background, silent and often overlooked. Fading into the background, content. Arc: Maybe letting the ice wall melt and recognicing that he isnt inferior like he was conditioned to think courtsey of his abusive father. That people see and Aknowledge him as he is and convince him. 🌌 Lumina Blackwater in A World Beyond ->40 Posts - (Lumen, Lumi) Die Unsichtbare, die Physikerin -How fitting and ironic that the unassuming, unimportant and far too shy and insecure Girl has the Abillity that fits her the most. As I can control Light in some -major- ways, I can turn invisible. Though I already was this long ago. To be fair, I can also send out Rays of Light that can blind People. But I rarely use that. Of obvious reasons. The only thing I like about this so weak abillity, is that I can create illusions like a sorounding forrest. Or a beautiful night sky. And so much more, which I constantly use in my own room to not feel so alone and sad. With only Illusions, my storys, creature concepts and storys as my companions.- Arc: Selfdiscovery, that she isnt in fact weak, inferior and unimportant and invisible. That she can be powerful aswell. And is worthy of being recogniced not just as such but also as being her. She needs to understand that she can in fact just do a lot more, is a lot stronger than her every Fear and Phobia could ever be. 🎇 Ares Azyr in World´s End -> 94 Posts Der Canid, Der Bioinformatiker Naive und verspielte Optimist der Gruppe, Lebensenergienseher - Nehmer und Geber im Canid-Avatar. Kann sich dadurch sättigen und stärker wie Andere. Arc: He doesnt need to lose his smile, his inner light and his playfulness. But his naivity, his recklesness could cost them greatly. He needs to grow up, mentally. 🦎 Vanteron Raze in World´s End -> 77 Posts - (Vantar) Kniet sich immer komplett in die Arbeit um nicht in Trauer über den Tod seiner Mutter zu verfallen weswegen er ihn aber gleichzeitig auch nie ganz verarbeit hat, heilt schneller aber braucht deswegen auch mehr Nahrung im Saurier-Avatar. Arc: Finally allowing himself to grieve. Otherwise it could crush him when he least expects it. Its a tidal wave. It will hurt greatly. But is inevtiable that it will occur. But he can decide when this happens, when he opens the dam up. He needs to also understand what Weakness really is. That his defenition of Weakness is flawed and is only hurtful. For him and his Comrads. 🦮 Dämmerung aka Dämmer in Odins Wölfe -> 33 Posts Hatte die Fähigkeit quasi perfektioniert da seine Gedanken und Gefühle oft unwillkommen waren (dachte oft über die Absurdität von Menschen und ihrer Eigenheiten nach, hätte sehr gerne einen eigenen Körper da er seine Recken dann doch auch viel effektiver schützen könnte und co), ein mentales Schutzschild aufzufahren was seine Recken ihn als Präsenz in ihren Köpfen - fast vergessen ließ so unsichtbar konnte er sich bei Gelegenheit machen. War also mit der Umgänglichste für die Recken in Thema Kontrolle. Da er beinahe schon resigniert war und nicht wirklich glüclich über sein Schicksal. Fühlte sich wie in Ketten. I have no Mouth and I must scream. Shows the darker sides of their Existence. Arc: As trapped in the nature of being he is. He can still change a good chunk of it. In simply finaly voicing his troubles. That he feels unapreciated and feels like hes a Dog on a Leash. And find an Agreement with his Wearer. 🎨🎬 Delian Terre in Odins Wölfe -> 52 Posts Der reizbare Außenseiter Gut bewandert im Zeichen – sowohl traditionell als auch digital. Auch in Informatik und coden ist er gut und hat schon mehrere Flash-games kreiert mit überraschend tiefgründigen Storys. Leicht gereizt wenn jemand seine heilige Einsamkeit stört und besitzt dann sehr oft ein lautes und verletztendes Mundwerk, mit aber sehr wohl etwas dahinter. 🐕 Victor Corvian in Frozen Silence ->72 Posts - (Vic) 🎮 Frederick Wood in der Simulation als Avion (Ave) Glass bekannt in Arcadia ->23 Posts - (Fred, Fredd, Freddy) 🐍 Aenna Aikdotter in Ragnarök -> 10 Posts - (Aen) 🐾 Halvar Olsson in Ragnarök -> 17 Posts - (Hal) 🔥 Fiaín || Rotdrache in Dragun -> 30 Posts gesamt (5 Neu) 🌊 Xeroia || Indigodrache in Dragun -> 26 Posts gesamt (5 Neu) -Xer, Xero 🐉 Arya (Ary) Turner in Just Another Dream -> 34 Posts Inky, die Tätowierte, die Drachenwandlerin 🦂 Ryder (Ryd) Thorne in Zodiac -> 42 Posts Der Pessimist, der Paranoide 🦅 Seth Cornupes in Ankharvis -> 28 Posts Der Werfalke, Der Gefiederte, Spaßvogel ⛰️ Naoki in Avatar: The New Era 🦖 Terre Vic Mayr in Journey ⛓️ Cole Carter in The Gates of Hell Letzte Aktivitäten Verlinkungen |
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